An Anzac’s Journey & The 1FCE
A project dedicated to highlighting the story of Thomas Edward Drane and memorialising the men of the 1st Field Company Engineers in 1915.
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"It was just Hell let lose, nothing short of murder, to see our boys go down like sheep, it made your blood boil, and then that is the time you get mad with excitement, and you are only out to kill or be killed, to avenge the pals who you have loved like brothers".
T.E. Drane ~ Gallipoli landing, 25 April 1915
T.E. Drane ~ Gallipoli landing, 25 April 1915
"It would be about 1.30pm when we weighed anchor, and started on our new venture. It was a splendid view to see so many ships of all kinds leaving, one behind the other. Of course the War ships were first, then the Destroyers, and afterwards the Transports. We would be about half an hour’s run out when the ships all stopped for a short church service. It was very impressive though short, for we knew that some of us would never see another service, or perhaps the light of day again."
T.E. Drane ~ 25th April 1915
T.E. Drane ~ 25th April 1915
Journey of an ANZAC
The war diary of Thomas Edward Drane is an amazing story of mate-ship, sacrifice and the men of the 1FCE.
Sapper T.E. Drane No. 53 - No. 2 Section
1st Field Company Engineers
Forbes, NSW, Australia
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Sapper T.E. Drane No. 53 - No. 2 Section
1st Field Company Engineers
Forbes, NSW, Australia
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