This post has been setup for the purpose of distilling brand name/slogan ideas. This process may require multiple steps and the final name may not currently be in the mix. The results of the polling will help to determine if there are any standout options which could be further developed.
Please provide feedback via the comments section if you wish to provide alternative ideas or discussion on any concepts.
Please vote by selecting your preferences then click the ‘VOTE’ button at the bottom.
You can only vote once. (The vote button will no longer be displayed after voting)
For further instruction click here.
Select your top 5 name/slogans
- You’ll love the way we live (16%, 8 Votes)
- Become part of the picture (10%, 5 Votes)
- Connect with community (6%, 3 Votes)
- It’s time for living (6%, 3 Votes)
- The way to live (6%, 3 Votes)
- A change for the better (4%, 2 Votes)
- Connect your life (4%, 2 Votes)
- A perfect match (4%, 2 Votes)
- LIVE WEST (4%, 2 Votes)
- Get your spirit back (4%, 2 Votes)
- A change of space (4%, 2 Votes)
- Embrace a new place (4%, 2 Votes)
- Switch & reconnect (4%, 2 Votes)
- Get out here, live the life (4%, 2 Votes)
- Change your way of life (2%, 1 Votes)
- Share the secret of living (2%, 1 Votes)
- Be practical – go regional (2%, 1 Votes)
- Don’t just live – live right (2%, 1 Votes)
- Find yourself out west (2%, 1 Votes)
- Change locations for better situations (2%, 1 Votes)
- Take the leap (2%, 1 Votes)
- Find your way forward (2%, 1 Votes)
- Make the change (2%, 1 Votes)
- Break away from the ordinary (0%, 0 Votes)
- Western change (0%, 0 Votes)
- A new way of life (0%, 0 Votes)
- Take a chance (0%, 0 Votes)
- Live the way you should (0%, 0 Votes)
- Go west (0%, 0 Votes)
- The solution for change (0%, 0 Votes)
Total Voters: 11

I have voted again I hope it has gone through this time?
thought I had voted weeks ago .. but .. have gone for those about LIVING .. YOU’LL LOVE THE WAY WE LIVE and also DON’T JUST LIVE – LIVE RIGHT .. the first is inspiring and the second one is about rewarding the decision .. and tells them there are opportunities. Have to say am happy to accept the decision of the group ..
afternoon all
Have voted but I prefer ‘You’ll love the way we live’ best. But it looks like you all have it under control!
After voting I am happy with what was chosen and I think we are heading in the right direction. I think some are a bit teling people what to do rather than an invitational message but the top few are fine.
I’m up for You’ll love the way we live, does avoid the change aspect (which is pretty difficult to compete for), is not place specific which can be communicated elsewhere. Maybe the Warren ladies can sing the catchy tune.
Sorry I couldn’t make the meeting in Dubbso.
Hi Everyone,
Just a few comments on my choice of tagline out of the choices on the website –
I think the word change is over done – sea change, tree change, country change and so it goes on. So I ruled all of those out as it would be just that same as all the other slogans.
I think a slogan should be catchy, memorable and induce emotion. Therefore out of all of these my favourite as a slogan are –You’ll love the way we live or Get out here, live the life. You’ll love the way we live is very catchy as it is similar to a few songs- Don McLean “Love the way you smile”, Eminem- “Love the Way you lie”, “ Love the way you love me” etc etc. That makes it memorable in the consumers mind because it already rings a bell of familiarity.
If we decided to have a tagline too then I like as a tagline – “Go West” as it again is familiar and actually this Pet Shop Boys Song Go West has lyrics (below) that actually match us as a region–
Go West) Life is peaceful there
(Go West) There in the open air
(Go West) Where the skies are blue
(Go West) This is what we’re gonna do
(Life is peaceful there)
Go West (In the open air)
Go West (Baby, you and me)
Go West (This is our destiny)
Just had a couple of new ideas we could possibly add to the list if people are open to them…
– Connect with community
– Embrace a new place
– Be practical – go regional
The reason these initial ideas are presented as slogans is due to the requirement of not using a place name or place descriptor such as ‘Orana’. This makes it difficult to have a single brand name and a tag line.
Essentially (as discussed at the discovery meeting) we are looking for an alternative similar to ‘tree change’ which isn’t location specific.
I would be interested to have feedback on this to determine this is the correct path.
Hi, How about ‘Love the Way You Live’ (just removed the You’ll – don’t think it’s necessary.)? Or ‘Come On Over’ – as in crossing the divide, has a neighbourly vibe? I also don’t mind Go West, although there’s a hangover with that previous regional organisation. Anything that has humour and music has got to be good.